NoBrokerHood has Integrated Aarogya Setu to Keep You Safe. Here’s How You Can Use It

The number of COVID-19 cases in India is steadily on the rise, in a few states, the numbers are doubling at an alarming rate of less than 10 days! Now is the time to be extra careful and alert about who we let into our home.
NoBrokerHood has developed many features to help you stay safe from the virus such as the face mask and temperature check. However, you still would not be able to effectively assess if the people coming to your home are a risk or not. Until now.
How will I be able to tell if someone is at risk now?
Through NoBrokerHood. We have integrated the Aarogya Setu app onto the guard devices. Aarogya Setu determines risk based on if your visitor or domestic help has been near (within six feet of) a COVID-19 – infected person, this is done by scanning through a database of known cases across India. The app then marks individuals as safe, infected, at high risk, or at moderate risk.

How does NoBrokerHood show me my visitor’s risk status?
Apart from checking your visitor’s entry code when they arrive, the guard at your gate also checks if they are wearing a mask and will take visitor’s temperature as well. Now, with this integration they will scan the QR code from your visitor’s Aarogya Setu app and instantly their risk status will be sent to you along with their other entry details.

How do I know if my maids and other domestic staff are at risk?
Your domestic staff can enter the building society through TouchlessEntry, or through a passcode, or through biometric scanning. Once they clear this first step, when they are at the gate, the guards will again make note of if they are wearing a mask, and their temperature, and they will then scan their QR code from the Aarogya Setu app. Again, their risk status and other entry details are sent directly to you as soon as the scan is complete.
What can I do knowing my visitor’s or help’s risk status?
If a person is marked as high risk, you have the ability to deny entry so that you and your family are not exposed to the virus through high risk carriers. When you can see who is at risk or safe, you can make a more informed decision as to who you allow into your home.

The NoBrokerHood COVID tracker for residents is also a great way to stay informed and aware. If you need more information on this, or any other of our features, drop us a comment below, we’re happy to help or you can visit NoBrokerHood.