Need help? Our ‘Request Assistance’ Feature is at Your Service

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Need help? Our ‘Request Assistance’ Feature is at Your Service

Time is precious and we understand that. Thus, we created our all-new hi-tech customer support feature, ‘Request Assistance’, to help you get your queries answered in a jiffy.

We promise to call you within 24 to 48 hours and answer all your questions. This feature is available in the latest update of the NoBrokerHood application.

Here’s what you need to do –

  • Update the NoBrokerHood app;
  • On the app, scroll down and tap the ‘Administration’ tile on the home screen.

  • Go to the ‘Support & Feedback’ section and tap on ‘Request Assistance’.

  • You can select the ‘Category’ (Guard Application, Administration, Request Features) and ‘Sub Category’ (Dashboard training session, ERP training session, Request resident session, etc) that best suit your need from the drop-down menu.
  • Describe your query in the ‘Need assistance’ space provided.

  • Once done, tap ‘Submit’.
  • You will get a pop-up message confirming your request.
  • You will receive a call from us within 24 to 48 hours.

Request Assistance is your direct communication channel with NoBrokerHood. You can raise queries, share feedback and even request for new features for your very own society management system.

At NoBrokerHood we’re constantly looking at ways to helps residents and committee members live a safe and stress-free life in their building societies. You can check out more interesting features that NoBrokerHood has over here, you can also drop us a comment to let us know what you think.


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