8 Things To Keep In Mind While Investing In Housing Society Management Software

Published: October 30, 2020
benefits of society management software
benefits of society management software

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benefits of society management software

Handling responsibilities of a housing society with more than 100 flats isn’t a cakewalk. From bill payments, legalities and maintaining apartment properties to keeping an eye out for its security, these enormous and time-consuming tasks can get overwhelming for a management committee, faster than we think. This is when a society and visitor management software like NoBrokerHood comes to the rescue. Using these solutions can help management committee to manage day-to-day society-related operations efficiently and solve various issues promptly with zero errors.

Before moving ahead, let’s understand what is a society/visitor management system?

A housing society has endless needs such as repairs and maintenance of society assets, maintaining financial records, managing staff members and visitor entries and so on. For years, most of these things were done in a conventional manual way, but today, thanks to technology, there are special tools that take care of these daunting tasks like a pro, making life easy, secure and convenient for everyone staying in a gated community. These solutions are called society management systems.

With residential communities getting bigger every year, having a housing management software is the need of the hour but choosing the right fit for your society is even more important.

So, before onboarding one, here are a few things you should keep in mind while choosing a society management software: 

1. Simple User-Interface (UI): Nobody likes complex things. And the whole point of onboarding a society management software is to make life easy for everyone. Moreover, not everyone who would handle it maybe tech-friendly. So, the simpler the UI, the more approachable it will be for people. Make sure that whether it is security guards, residents or committee members, everyone should be able to swiftly navigate around the app or desktop.

2. Data Security: While onboarding a solution, make sure that your software provider prioritizes privacy and security of your data. Ask them about how they ensure that all the data you provide are safe, what are the information that can be accessed by a third-party, etc. Make sure they implement and adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines.

benefits of society management software

3. Automated Billing and Accounting: One of the main reasons to consider onboarding a society management software is to reduce manual labour. Especially, for tasks such as maintaining society accounts, keeping digital records, sending out email or SMS notifications, payments, etc. Find out from your provider, whether the software is fully automated or semi-automated. This will help you understand how much manpower is still required. The more automated the functions are the more convenient it will be for you to manage a society.

benefits of society management software

4. App and Dashboard Availability: Make sure the software you choose to onboard has access to both mobile application and dashboard. This will help you access any society-related information anytime and anywhere and use the various features in real-time easily and at your convenience.

5. Easy Data Transfer: Clarify with your provider whether you can transfer your society’s data, in case, you decide to onboard another management software in future. Transferring data from one solution to the other must be a smooth job and the service provider must have this provision.

benefits of society management software

6. Training Session: Make sure that the provider facilitates training sessions to show how to use the product. Ensure that the training session will be for residents, security guards and management committee too. This helps in gaining knowledge to use the product effectively. You must ask for a single point-of-contact in case of any future queries.

7. Budget-friendly: Money matters, especially when you are shelling out money from the society account. Ensure to ask your provider about the paid and unpaid services. If a solution works on a package system, check what are the features you are getting for the package you choose.

8. Get NoBrokerHood, Society Super App: Last but not the least, get your society equipped with NoBrokerHood Visitor, Society and Accounting Management System. We provide you all the above and so much more just to simplify your daily life in a gated community and make it convenient and secure.

benefits of society management software

Our active customer support team is prompt and doesn’t miss any requests or queries. And the frequent upgrades of the software ensure you have the best of the best features at your disposal.

A housing society management software offers innovative features to digitize and streamline society tasks while improving efficiency, reducing time and human labour, and most definitely security of a gated community. Equip your society with a tech-enabled management solution and live a carefree life.

Visit us on www.nobrokerhood.com if you wish to enroll your society or enjoy our intricately engineered but simple features.

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