Why tech-enabled security management apps are essential for housing society post Covid-19

NoBrokerHood for residents and management committee

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Why tech-enabled security management apps are essential for housing society post Covid-19

NoBrokerHood for residents and management committee

Have you ever imagined the world post the pandemic? With Covid-19 cases increasing by the day, uncertainty still looms over us, but the good news is, it is opening doors for many of us to explore new technology-driven solutions.

One such solution, that is now gaining momentum, is tech-enabled security management apps. Given the pandemic situation we are living in currently, many gated community members are vouching for these virtual ways to monitor the security and safety of their apartments.

Though society management solutions are not a new entrant in the market, it is only recently that residents have started exploring many unexplored features. Having said that, these apps are now considered an essential part of gated communities and their gate management system. Many apartments are also considering the zero-contact features for a post-Covid-19 world. Why you ask? Well, the reasons are many…

Need for remote security and safety

This pandemic has taught us to live and accept a new life, where the word, ‘remote’ is the new normal. When everything around us has this prefix, why not use it for your apartment’s security?

We, at NoBrokerHood, are constantly tapping on technology to ensure your building is safe and secured of Covid-19.

Regulate influx of people

With the NoBrokerHood society management app, you can restrict the entry of people at the gate itself. This, we believe, boosts the confidence of residents. Moreover, since all the entries are made digitally, the information is available to the management committee at any given point of time and as for residents, they can approve or deny entry of any visitor.

Zero-contact all the way

We have been proactive in helping our resident communities across India during the Covid-19 crisis. NoBrokerHood has relentlessly been creating new features and assisting gated communities to be safe during these uncertain times.

Why choose NoBrokerHood?

Our user-friendly interface and in-app features such as access to e-newspapers, grocery delivery and digital notice board (that makes sure to curtail fake news from doing rounds on society WhatsApp groups) help residents connect with the outside world while maintaining zero-contact.

This apart, NoBrokerHood recently rolled out a few more safety features to ensure social distancing.

  • TouchlessEntry: During Covid-19, the more you restrain yourself from touching any common surfaces, the safer you are from getting infected. Thus, we created, ‘TouchlessEntry’. This feature uses a face recognition technique to approve entry and attendance of domestic help and other staff members, without any physical contact.

TouchlessEntry for NoBrokerHood visitors

  • Contactless delivery: With this feature, your couriers, parcels or food will be delivered at the gate instead of your flat. The contactless delivery is favourable for everyone, especially, now when societies have taken stringent measures of social distancing in their premises.

Contactless delivery for NoBrokerHood

  • Covid-19 Tracker: Covid-19 is spreading rapidly, and to stop the spread, we need to consciously make sure to avoid coming in contact with the virus or anyone infected. The best way is to know the containment zones and active cases around us. But the cherry on the cake would be to get your hands on a Covid-19 tracker. Isn’t it? The NoBrokerHood COVID-19 Tracker, was hence created to help residents keep a close eye on the nearest containment zones, give them an alert if their domestic help and staff’s home is in a containment zone and also about if there is any quarantined resident in the apartment. You can thank us later!

CovidTracker for NoBrokerHood residents and committee members

  • UV Sanitisation: While contactless delivery reduces your contact with the outside world, we have introduced, UV Sanitisation for overall protection. Here, we use a smart device (like a large box) that uses UV rays to sanitise packages once placed inside it. This device can be activated from the NoBrokerHood app. The app will also notify once the sanitisation is completed. During the entire process, no one from the society will come in contact with the package until sanitised. This is an FDA approved technology to sanitise packages most safely and effectively.

UV Sanitisation for NobrokerHood

  • Temperature and mask recording: Now make sure visitors stepping in your apartment premises are mandatorily wearing a mask and that their temperature is normal. The ‘Temperature and Mask check’ feature allows guards to make a note about these vitals on the app and also have a record of the same for future audits. Fever or temperature screening is done daily for all visitors, delivery personnel, maids, drivers and so on, at the gate itself.

Temperature and Mask check for NoBrokerHood

Use these new features of NoBrokerHood’s security management apps to contain the spread of Covid-19 infection in your society to a great extent.

You can visit www.nobrokerhood.com for a FREE demo of these new features or comment below to let us know how safe you feel with NoBrokerHood’s safety features.

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