Society Sinking Fund Explained

Published: January 31, 2024
What is a Society Sinking Fund
What is the purpose of Society Sinking Fund? Let's take an in-depth look.

What if, when you receive your monthly society maintenance bill, you notice a significant line item that typically constitutes about one-third of the total charges – the sinking fund? But what exactly does this sinking fund entail, and why is it a recurring expense? We will be tackling this topic in detail in this blog.

What is a Society Sinking fund?

A society sinking fund is a financial reserve established by a housing society to cover future maintenance and repair expenses of its common areas and infrastructure. It serves as a prudent financial strategy to ensure that the society can meet its long-term financial obligations without burdening its members with sudden and substantial assessments.

How Does a Housing Society Use its Sinking Fund?

The society sinking fund is a critical financial resource, meticulously built up over time through member contributions. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how housing society sinking fund is used:

  • Maintenance of Common Areas: This includes regular cleaning, painting, and repair of common spaces such as lobbies, hallways, and community rooms. It ensures that these areas remain in good condition and are welcoming for all residents.
  • Roofing Repairs: The society sinking fund is often used for significant roofing work, such as fixing leaks, replacing tiles, or even complete roof overhauls. This is vital for protecting the building from weather-related damages and maintaining its structural integrity.
  • Elevator Maintenance and Repair: Elevators are a critical component of any multi-storied housing society. The society sinking fund is utilised for regular servicing, emergency repairs, and eventual replacement of elevator systems to ensure safety and reliability.
  • Landscaping and Gardening: This includes the care and maintenance of green spaces, gardens, and play areas within the society. It encompasses tasks like planting, mowing, watering, and pruning, contributing to the aesthetic appeal and environmental health of society.
  • Plumbing and Electrical Work: The society sinking fund covers the cost of maintaining and repairing the society’s plumbing and electrical systems. This includes fixing leaks, updating wiring, and ensuring all utilities function correctly and safely.
  • Structural Repairs: Over time, buildings can suffer from wear and tear. The society sinking fund provides for structural repairs like fixing cracks, strengthening the foundation, and other works to ensure the building’s long-term durability.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Part of the society sinking fund can be reserved for unforeseen expenses or emergencies like natural disasters, which might require immediate and substantial repair work.
  • Compliance with Regulations: The fund is also used to ensure that the society adheres to local building codes and regulations, which may require periodic upgrades or alterations.

Also Check: Society Fund Utilisation

How Does a Housing Society Generate a Sinking Fund?

A housing society sinking fund is generated by collecting contributions from its members. Typically, each member pays a predetermined monthly or annual fee, which is then allocated to the sinking fund. This fund accumulates over time, and the society’s management committee is responsible for its prudent management and investment.

How to calculate Society sinking fund?

  • The society sinking fund calculation is typically based on a thorough assessment of the housing society’s anticipated maintenance and repair needs over the long term. 
  • The management committee considers factors such as the age and condition of the common property, the expected lifespan of various components, and inflation rates. 
  • A financial expert or accountant may assist in determining the appropriate contribution amounts needed to maintain a healthy society sinking fund.

How Does a Housing Society Invest its Sinking Fund?

A housing society sinking fund serves as a financial reserve for the long-term upkeep and potential reconstruction of the building, and it’s essential to invest it wisely to ensure its growth and reliability. Here’s a structured approach to how a housing society typically invests its sinking fund:

1. Cooperative Bank Accounts:

  • Upon registration, the Registrar of your district or area mandates opening a society’s bank account in a cooperative bank.
  • Different states have their designated state cooperative banks, such as the Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Ltd and Bombay District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd in Maharashtra.
  • For day-to-day transactions, you may open accounts with nationalized or urban cooperative banks with prior permission from the Registrar.

2. Consult Financial Experts

  • Seek advice from financial auditors experts and bank managers to determine the most suitable investment options for your society sinking fund.
  • The goal is to identify investments that are not only beneficial in the long term but also reliable and low-risk.

3. Investment Regulations

  • State-specific laws and regulations may dictate where a society sinking fund can be invested.
  • For example, in Maharashtra, the bylaws stipulate that long-term investments should be made in the District Central Co-operative Bank.

4. Cooperative Bank Promotion

  • Cooperative banks are encouraged through these regulations to play a crucial role in managing housing society sinking funds and compete with private or nationalized banks.
  • By directing investments to cooperative banks, the sector receives essential support and becomes a viable alternative to larger banking institutions.

5. Approval for Fund Utilization

  • In the event of structural repairs or potential reconstruction, utilizing the society sinking fund requires a formal approval procedure.
  • This involves devising redevelopment plans with the assistance of an architect and seeking approval from the Registrar.


The concept of a society sinking fund is crucial for effective long-term financial planning in a housing society. NoBrokerHood is a comprehensive society management solution and can significantly aid societies in efficiently managing their sinking funds.

It offers streamlined financial management tools that help in the accurate calculation, collection, and tracking of sinking fund contributions. Why not give NoBrokerHood a try? Get us connected with your Society Management committee members and experience how NoBrokerHood will make accounting management simpler and faster.


1. What is a society sinking fund?

A society sinking fund is like a savings account for a housing society. It’s money set aside regularly to cover future maintenance or repairs of the building.

2. What is the rule of the society sinking fund?

The rule for sinking funds is that every housing society must contribute money regularly to it. 
The goal is to ensure there’s enough money for future building needs.

3. What happens to the society sinking fund on redevelopment?

When a society undergoes redevelopment, the sinking fund is often used to help pay for it. It can be an essential source of funds for big projects.

4. Can the society sinking fund be refunded?

No, sinking fund contributions are not typically refunded to individual members. They are meant for the collective benefit of the society and its long-term upkeep.

5. How to calculate society sinking fund?

The sinking fund is calculated based on factors like the age and condition of common property, expected repair costs, and inflation rates. A financial expert or accountant often helps determine the contribution amounts.

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