Society Nomination Processes: An In-Depth Overview 

Published: January 12, 2024
Society Nomination
Transfer your property rights to your loved ones.

Society nomination brings the principles of property transfer and inheritance together. It is an essential safeguard to ensure the legal transition of property rights in the event of a member’s demise. It is a proactive stance to shape one’s legacy and allows one to decide who inherits their property and how the transition takes place.

Nomination laws have adapted to the changing societal norms and legal landscapes over the years. The process is generally straightforward, but things can get complicated if a member neglects to nominate someone while being alive or if the nominated individual is not the legal heir. This article provides you with the necessary foresight needed to navigate the nomination process successfully.

Exploring Membership Dynamics

Society Nomination Processes
Your Society Membership, Your Inclusive Voice.

The concept of membership is hierarchical in a housing societies. It comprises Original Members, Associate Members, and Nominal Members. Understanding these distinctions is essential to unravel the intricacies of the nomination process.

Original Member: The Foundation of Ownership

The Original Member stands at the forefront of this hierarchy. He is the primary owner of the share certificate and enjoys the right to the property and capital within the society. Whether held individually or jointly, He has important legal control and the primary right to have a say in property matters.

Associate Member: A Collaborative Ownership

The Associate Member is the secondary title owner in the share certificate. This position signifies joint ownership, where both the Original and Associate Members share legal rights over the property. 

Nominal Member: A Purposeful Legacy

Nominated by either the Original or Associate Member, this individual is an entity defined by model bye-laws. This position signifies a proactive choice by the Original or Associate Member to admit an individual who, at the point of admission, does not hold ownership rights, titles, or interests in the property 

By understanding the roles and rights of each of these members, we can obtain valuable insights into the dynamics of collaborative ownership within housing societies.

The Purpose of Nomination 

Society Nomination Processes
Empowering Tomorrow: Strategic Purpose of Nomination in Housing Societies.

The nomination system empowers members to decide the future of their property, fostering a sense of security and order within the concerned community.

Legalising Legacies

Nomination is a strategic move to safeguard your legacy. Members commonly nominate their children or relatives, designating them as legal heirs. This is crucial, especially when minors are involved, as they cannot legally hold title to the property. The nomination process protects the rightful heirs and ensures that the property remains within the family fold.

Custodianship in Absence

Recognizing the uncertainties of life, this system lets you nominate guardians for your children. These chosen individuals become custodians in the event of the member’s demise, ensuring the property is looked after until the heirs can legally inherit it. 

A Testament to Foresight

Society nominations showcase your ability to plan smartly for the future. By designating legal heirs, guardians, and other members, people ensure that their property remains within trusted hands and the transition is smooth, clear and organised.

Unlocking Nominations: Who Holds the Key?

Society Nomination Processes
A Detailed Look at the Nuances of Nomination in Housing Societies.

The privilege of nominating and getting nominated is not granted indiscriminately. Let’s discover the various details of who can wield this power.

Who can Nominate Members?

There is an eligibility criteria for nominations. Only those meeting specific standards can influence property transitions in housing societies. This fosters a thoughtful nomination process, in line with the philosophy of responsible community engagement.

  • Mental Fitness and Age Requirement
    • Only individuals who are mentally fit and over the age of 18 are eligible to engage in the nomination process.
    • This ensures that those making nominations are of sound mind, and capable of making informed decisions.
  • Membership Prerequisite
    • To nominate, one must hold a membership in the housing society.
    • This prerequisite underscores active participation and belonging within the societal structure.
  • Exclusivity to Primary or Associate Members
    • Nominations can only be legally initiated by a primary or associate member of the housing society.
    • This is to ensure that nominating individuals have a direct stake in the property dynamics.

Who Cannot Participate in Nominations?

Not everyone can participate in society nomination. Let’s uncover the criteria that sets the boundaries, disqualifying certain members from partaking in the process.

  • Minors: A Legal Limitation
    • Individuals under 18 are ineligible to participate in the nomination process.
    • This follows from the legal consideration that minors lack the capacity to make certain decisions.
  • Nominees: A Logical Exclusion
    • Individuals who have already been nominated cannot initiate further nominations.
    • This prevents a recursive loop, ensuring clarity in the nomination chain.
  • Corporate Entities: A Structural Restriction
    • Various corporate entities, including partnership firms, LLPs, private/public companies, trusts, NGOs, HUFs, and societies, are barred from participating.
    • Nominations are a function of individual affiliations and organisational capacities should stay out of it. 

Who can be Nominated?

The eligibility for being nominated is largely flexible. Let us discover the nuances of obtaining such a nomination.

  • Legal Heir, Relative, Beneficiary: Line of Lineage
    • Legal heirs, relatives, or beneficiaries are prime candidates for nomination.
    • This stresses the importance of lineage and familial ties in the nomination process.
  • Non-Legal Heir/Beneficiary: Expanding the Horizon
    • The eligibility includes non-legal heirs and beneficiaries as well.
    • This Inclusive approach recognizes diverse structural relationships.
  • Attorney, Custodian: Trusted Guardians
    • You can nominate someone as attorney or custodian of the property.
    • This fulfils the trust and guardianship roles in the nomination dynamics.
  • Any Other Person Deemed Fit: Suiting Specific Circumstances
    • Any person considered fit by the primary and associate members can be nominated.
    • This ensures that the nomination process can be tailored to specific circumstances.

Who Cannot Be Nominated?

Not everyone can be nominated. Specific exclusions are there to maintain clarity and coherence.

  • Deceased Person: A Logical Limitation
    • Deceased individuals are ineligible for nomination.
    • This ensures that nominations are forward-looking and logically coherent.
  • Nominee Nominating Himself: Recursive Prohibition
    • Nominees cannot nominate themselves for the same position.
    • This prevents a recursive loop, maintaining a straightforward process.
  • Non-Indian Citizen: Boundary of Nationality
    • Non-Indian citizens are barred from nomination.
    • This ensures Indian legal and national considerations for housing society dynamics.

Society Nomination Process: Steps for a Structured Approach

Society Nomination Processes
The Structured Path from Submission to Ownership Transfer.

The nomination process unfolds through a series of structured steps, ensuring transparency and adherence to regulations.

Step 1: Submission of Nomination Form: Initiating the Process

Members submit a nomination form to signal their intent.

Step 2: Secretary’s Acknowledgment: Formal Recognition

The secretary formally acknowledges it, signalling society’s engagement.

Step 3: Committee Approval and Registration: Gatekeepers of Legitimacy

The committee assesses and approves nominations, ensuring legitimacy and compliance.

Step 4: Two-Month Timeframe: Ensuring Efficiency

The entire procedure is mandated to conclude within two months.

Step 5: Ownership Transfer: Clearing the Decks

The nomination process officially transfers the property rights.

You can further safeguard property rights through the execution of a will. Make sure to always take a strategic and purposeful approach to navigating the dynamics of community living.

Standard Procedure and Rules: Guiding Principles for Society Nomination

Society Nomination Processes
The standard procedures in society nominations promote accountability, order and efficiency.

Proper Initiation

Original or associate members are custodians of property. They initiate the nomination process by submitting a carefully crafted application. This application decides the course of ownership rights after their demise, paving the way for a smooth and intentional transfer.

Secretary’s Legal Endorsement

The secretary provides legal sanctity to the application by acknowledging it. This reflects a commitment to transparency and adherence to society norms and bye-laws.

Encouraging Careful Choices

The first nomination is free of charge. However, Subsequent alterations incur a modest fee of Rs 100. This nominal charge acts as a gentle deterrent against frivolous changes, encouraging members to approach the process with due consideration.

Scrutiny and Accountability

Society nominations are carefully scrutinised in committee meetings. The secretary examines each nomination and registers the details within seven days after the committee’s approval. This process ensures accountability and order in the society.

Efficiency at The Core

The nomination procedure is designated to wrap up within two months, ensuring swiftness and clarity in transferring property rights. This sense of urgency and efficiency is essential for the harmonious functioning of the housing society.

Nomination vs. Actual Inheritance: Legal Insights and Clarifications 

Society Nomination Processes
The paramountcy of legal heirs, with a valid will taking precedence.

Members generally nominate their children, siblings, or other family members to inherit property ownership. But things get complicated when the nominated individual isn’t the legal heir. Let us look at how laws address this dispute between nominated members and legal heirs.

  • Nomination: In Indian housing societies, members can nominate someone to handle their membership rights and property after their death. However, nomination does not determine inheritance and does not override the rights of legal heirs. The nominee acts as a custodian or representative on behalf of the legal heirs until the inheritance is settled.
  • Legal Heirs: Inheritance is governed by the Indian Succession Act, 1925, and other relevant personal laws based on religion or community. These laws determine the legal heirs (spouse, children, parents, etc.) and their inheritance rights.

Key Points to Consider

  • Nomination is only for administrative convenience: It simplifies communication and facilitates the smooth transfer of membership rights during the legal inheritance process.
  • Legal heirs have overriding rights: The nominee cannot claim ownership or sell the property excluding the rightful legal heirs. The property will eventually be transferred to the legal heirs as per the law of inheritance.
  • Will supersedes nomination: If a valid will exists, it dictates the distribution of the deceased’s property, and its provisions take precedence over the nomination.

Relevant Laws and Resources

  • Indian Succession Act, 1925: This central law forms the framework for inheritance in India.
  • State-specific personal laws: Some states have their inheritance laws based on religion or community.
  • Housing society bylaws: Each society may have its bylaws regarding nominations and member rights.
  • Court rulings: Numerous court rulings have clarified the scope and limitations of nominations in housing societies.


  • Consult a lawyer: For specific legal advice on your situation, it’s best to consult a lawyer specializing in succession laws and housing society matters.
  • Review society bylaws: Check the bylaws of your housing society for any specific provisions regarding nominations and inheritance.
  • Consider making a will: If you wish to distribute your property differently than the default inheritance laws, it’s advisable to make a will.

Best Practices and Tips

Regular Reviews: Periodically review and update nominations to align with current circumstances, preventing potential complications.

Clear Communication: Ensure members understand the nomination process by organizing awareness programs and providing informational materials.

Legal Consultation: Seek legal advice when in doubt to gain a clear understanding of legal nuances associated with nominations.

Documentation Integrity: Maintain orderly and meticulous records, from the nomination form to approvals, ensuring transparency and streamlined processes.

Society Nomination Form Template

[Your Cooperative Housing Society Name and Logo]

To: The Secretary
[Your Cooperative Housing Society Ltd.]
[Complete Address]

APPENDIX-14 (As per Bye-law No. 32)

Nomination Form is to be furnished in Triplicate Copy.

I, Mr./Mrs. [Your Full Name], a member of [Your Cooperative Housing Society Ltd.], residing at [Your Address], holding the esteemed share certificate numbered [Your Share Certificate Number], hereby put forth my nominations as follows:

Sr. No.Nominee’s Full NameRelationship with the NominatorNominee’s Permanent AddressShare Percentage Allocation for each NomineeNominee’s Date of Birth

[Your Details]

Share Certificate No.: [Your Share Certificate Number]
Flat No.: [Your Flat Number]

[Your Signature]
Date: [Date]


(1) [Witness 1 Full Name and Address]

(2) [Witness 2 Full Name and Address]

Place: [Place]

Date: [Date]

This nomination was presented during the managing committee meeting of our esteemed society on [Date], documented in the official records. It’s accordingly mentioned in the nomination register under Sr. No. [Nomination Number] for record-keeping.

Secretary [Your Cooperative Housing Society Ltd.]
Received a duplicate copy of this nomination.
Date: [Date]

The Importance of Understanding Nomination Procedures

A smooth nomination procedure ensures that property rights are transferred with clarity. It helps in preventing potential disputes, ensuring a harmonious coexistence within the housing society. To simplify this further, NoBrokerHood come into play. NoBrokerHood offers you a comprehensive solution covering various aspects of society nomination and management ensuring a seamless community living experience.

Note: NoBrokerHood Provides the best Society Management Services, check and secure your society today.


1. What purpose does a society nomination form serve?

A society nomination form facilitates the planned transfer of property rights within a housing society. It allows members to designate legal heirs, ensuring a smooth transition and protecting their legacy.

2. How should one complete the nominee form?

Complete the nominee form by providing essential details such as the nominee’s full name, relationship, permanent address, share percentage allocation, and date of birth. Submit the form in a triplicate copy as per the society’s bylaws.

3. What steps are involved in composing a nominee letter?

Compose a nominee letter by submitting the nomination form, signalling intent. The secretary acknowledges it, and the committee evaluates and approves nominations for legitimacy. The entire process concludes within a two-month timeframe, officially transferring property rights.

4. What information is typically included in nominee details?

Nominee details include full name, relationship, address, share percentage allocation, and date of birth. These details are crucial for transparent record-keeping within the housing society.

5. Who has the authority to verify a nomination?

The managing committee, particularly the secretary, has the authority to verify a nomination. The nomination is presented during a committee meeting and recorded in official records, ensuring transparency and legitimacy in the process.

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