Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960: Everything You Need to Know

In Karnataka, several societies, organizations, and associations have dedicated extensive work hours to promoting various worthy causes. From healthcare and education to art and cultural assimilation, some establishments promote these and more. However, the Karnataka government must ensure that such entities operate transparently, are held accountable, and remain legally compliant with the law. In the context of that view, the Karnataka Societies Registration Act was passed in 1960.
Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 aims to provide for the registration of scientific, literary, charitable, and other types of societies. The main legislation provides a framework on how registration shall be done, governance shall be delivered, and how the management of societies shall be the end goal in Karnataka.
Societies registered under this Act have gained legal recognition, protected their rights and interests, and can function with complete transparency and accountability. This blog will explore the key specifics, eligibility criteria for registration, and amendments of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960.
Specifics of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960
A short lesson on the specifics of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act is crucial, regardless of whether you’re looking to register your society under the Act; or you’re a member wanting to understand your rights/responsibilities better. Even if you are simply interested in learning more about this pivotal legislation moment in history, this article is the only resource you’ll need to refer to.
The Bill was drafted along the general lines of the Mysore Societies Registration Act 1904, which in turn, was based on the Central Act. It contained other additional provisions which ensured the proper functioning of the Societies registered under the Act.
The enactment date of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act is 25-10-1960.Further, it documents various types of societies that are allowed to be registered under the act and the eligibility for such registration. The governing body shall conduct and attend regular meetings (at least once every three months) and be bestowed with certain powers and duties.
Eligibility Criteria for Registration Under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960
To be eligible for registration under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, a society should consist of at least seven people over the age of 18 years. An exception shall only be made for a society the State Government is a member of.
Additionally, a society with an “undesirable” name shall not be registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act. Considering that the society name may be too closely matched with an already existing society’s name previously registered, the name will be deemed undesirable.
A memorandum of association should be offered to the registrar alongside a document containing a society’s rules and regulations. If the officer is satisfied with the requirements submitted by a specific society, he shall approve its registration under the Act.
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Requirements Associated with the Memorandum of Association
Every society looking to register under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act should provide the memorandum of association containing the following details:
- Name of the society
- Objectives of the society
- Names, occupations, and addresses of the members who are part of the governing body (management of society affairs is entrusted upon them as per the rules of the society)
- Details of the place at which the society’s registered office is situated
- Rules and regulations of the society (containing provisions associated with the admission of members; proceedings at general meetings where members are required to vote; the governing body and proceedings of meetings held by said entity)
The memorandum of association, along with the society’s rules and regulations, must be printed/typewritten. They shall be divided into different paragraphs and numbered consecutively.
Next, they are to be signed by every subscriber to the memorandum of association. They must add their age, occupation, address, and description.
The presence of a witness is a necessity. This person must attest to the signature and add his occupation, address, and description for backup.
Amendments of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960
The Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 amendments were numerous and are mentioned below for your reference:
1. Amending Act 26 of 1965: This amendment empowered the Registrar to delegate his enquiry powers to other authorised officers. This ensured enhanced oversight of societies in the various states, making the entire process much more efficient.
2. Amending Act 20 of 1975: The amendment allowed societies the power to select their own 12-month accounting period, instead of having to adhere to the calendar year progress.
3. Amending Act 7 of 1978: To avoid deadlock within a society’s governing body, this amendment was made to appoint an Administrator. This administrator is empowered to temporarily look into the society’s affairs. The power is valid until an election is held and a brand new governing body takes over.
4. Amending Act 7 of 1978: The Amending Act 7 of 1978 has decentralised the registration process of societies across Karnataka. The scope of the Act has been extended to include horse racing as well. Plus, the amendment increased the tenure of the Administrator from 2 years to 4 years.
5. Amending Act 48 of 1986: In addition to the previous prospective provision of extension, this amendment empowered the government to extend the tenure of an Administrator.
6. Amending Act 11 of 1990: This amendment grants effect to the proposals made in the Budget Speech.
7. Amending Act 9 of 1999: This modification enabled societies of water users to actively implement Participatory Irrigation Management programs.
8. Amending Acts 7 of 2000 & 6 of 2002: These amendments were made with a view to granting effect to the proposals suggested in the Budget Speeches.
9. Amending Act 38 of 2011: This amendment introduces the setting of a time limit for the Registrar within which he must accept/reject amendments to rules or regulations. He must also allow amendments to take effect, starting from the date of passage of the amendment.
Final Word
To conclude, the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960, is a pivotal legislation which provides a framework for the management, registration, and regulation of societies across the state of Karnataka. The Act has undergone amendments that address issues, aiming to improve governance and highlight public interest.
Such amendments have essentially extended the scope of the Act, decentralised the registration process, and empowered the regulatory framework – over the years.
The Karnataka Societies Registration Act, of 1960, remains a key legislation that promotes accountability, transparency, and supportive governance across societies of Karnataka.
Also Read: Societies Registration Act 1860
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who has the power to decide that a particular society’s name is “undesirable”?
The registrar will conclude whether or not the name of a certain society is “undesirable”.
2. How many members are required for society registration under Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960?
7 or more members are required to be part of a society for it to be eligible for registration under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960.
3. What happens if a society is not registered?
Compromised legal recognition is a glaring drawback of a society’s unregistered stature. Other than that, society members may experience difficulty in exercising their rights, have pending property disputes, lack general protection, etc.